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Defining Jawlines with Small Volume Liposuction under Local Anesthesia - Exclusive Video

Since its introduction by Illouz in the early 1980s, liposuction has progressed into one of the most popular procedures in plastic surgery. Typically, traditional liposuction procedures are invasive and require a patient to undergo general anaesthesia; and it carries higher risks of blood loss and potential complications.

However, in the recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of nonsurgical procedures performed for most aesthetic and cosmetic procedures - including liposuction procedures. Patients today are seeking alternatives to surgical procedures as procedures under local anesthesia have the advantages of an immediately-visible result with a shorter recovery time.

Tumescent Liposuction

Tumescent liposuction uses local anaesthetic instead of general anaesthetic; thus allowing patients to heal faster and oftentimes produces a more obvious result. It is also one of the the least complicated liposuction treatments available today, with very minimal blood loss.

Over the past 3 decades or so, liposuction has tremendously evolved, and today, Tumescent Liposuction has grown to be one of the most highly preferred lipo-procedure as new improvements continue to be made; offering patients traditional liposuction effects without having to undergo extensive surgeries.

According to the data released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), in terms of the number of procedures that were performed, liposuction ranked 2nd (after Breast Augmentation) at more than 258,000 procedures being performed in 2018 alone. This translates to a 6% increase as compared to the statical data available for 2017.

Small Volume Liposuction: Adopting The Right Techniques

Sound liposuction relies on an awareness of the “three-dimensional anatomy of the fat layers” and surgical technique is the key to safety and patient-satisfaction outcomes. Variations in surgical approach exist and are dependent on the type of liposuction being performed.

Patients desiring improved neck and jawline contours often are looking for minimally invasive procedures and are not interested in undergoing extensive face-lifting procedures. Realizing the limitations, surgeons may offer their patient such procedures as liposuction and submentoplasty.

This week, IFAAS faculty, Dr. Sung shares his Top 3 tips on Defining Jawlines with Small Volume Liposuction under Local Anaesthesia:

  1. It is important to engage the liposuction cannula with small tip in order to create defined jowls

  2. In order to create the desired definition, the surgeon should combine lower face liposuction with neck liposuction together, bearing in mind that skin of lower neck has the tendency to loosen, and the skin of anterior neck has the tendency to contract

  3. Be very careful with the nerve damages: especially the marginal branches of mandibular nerve that run along mandibular edges on the lower angle of the mouth.

Watch Dr. Sung demonstrate his exclusive technique in the video below:

Hope you have enjoyed the video and article! Stay tuned for our future posts on more techniques and information related to our advanced aesthetic and cosmetic training courses!



Learn How to Deliver Optimal Results in Defining Jawlines with Small Volume Liposuction under Local Anaesthesia in Dr. Sung's very own OR at our upcoming Mini-Fellowship in Seoul, South Korea this July!

IFAAS Mini-Fellowship (Hands-On)

Liposuction & Fat Transfer under Local Anaesthesia

July 16-17, 2019: Seoul, South Korea

IFAAS Mini Fellowship (Hands-on) Liposuction & Fat Transfer for Face & Body Under Local Anaesthesia



More upcoming Non-Surgical Face Lifting & Rejuvenation Aesthetic Trainings happening globally:

2nd Beauty of the Face Elite Master Class | Jun 7-8: Verona, IT

Korean Non-Surgical Face Lifting | Jun 8-9: London, UK

Korean Non-Surgical Face Lifting | Jun 22-23: San Francisco, CA, USA

Tissue Replacement & Regeneration | Jun 28-29: San Diego, CA, USA

Korean Non-Surgical Face Lifting | Jun 29-30: Vancouver, CA

Liposuction under Local Anaesthesia | Jul 16-17: Seoul, SK

Advance Minimally-Invasive Face Rejuvenation | Jul 18-20: Seoul, SK

Minimally-Invasive Body Contouring | Jul 21-22: Seoul, SK

Advanced Asian Rhinoplasty & Bone Contouring | Jul 22-24: Seoul, SK

Advanced Asian Blepharoplasty | Jul 25-26: Seoul, SK

Korean Non-Surgical Face Lifting | Aug 3-4: Queensland, NZ

PRP Therapy for Facial & Neck Rejuvenation | Aug 10: Sydney, AU

Non-Surgical Total Eye Rejuvenation | Aug 11: Sydney, AU

Korean Non-Surgical Face Lifting | Aug 24 - 25: Islamabad, PK

Korean Non-Surgical Face Lifting | Sep 14 - 15: Sydney, AU

Advanced Blepharoplasty | Nov 28 - 29: Singapore, SG



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