Anti-aging Treatment of the Facial Skin by Fat Graft and Adipose-Derived Stem Cells
This week, IFAAS president Gino Rigotti, MD shares his research on Anti-aging Treatment of the Facial Skin by Fat Graft and Adipose-Derived Stem Cells that won him the Jacques W. Maliniac, MD Memorial Lecturer Award during the American Society of Plastic Surgery Annual Meeting in 2015.
The regenerative property of fat grafting has been described. However, it is not clear whether the clinical results are attributable to the stem cells or are linked to other components of the adipose tissue. This work is aimed at analysis of the histologic and ultrastructural changes of aged facial skin after injection of fat graft added in addition to its stromal vascular fraction, obtained by centrifugation, and to compare the results with those obtained by the injection of expanded adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells.
This study was performed in six consecutive patients who were candidates for face lift and whose ages ranged between 45 and 65 years. The patients underwent sampling of fat by liposuction from the abdominal region. The injection of fat and its stromal vascular fraction or expanded mesenchymal stem cells was performed in the preauricular areas. Fragments of skin were removed before and 3 months after each treatment and analyzed by optical and electron microscopy.
After treatment with the autologous lipidic component and stromal vascular fraction, the skin showed a decrease in elastic fiber network (elastosis)
and the appearance of new oxytalan elastic fibers in papillary dermis. The
ultrastructural examination showed a modified tridimensional architecture of
the reticular dermis and the presence of a richer microvascular bed. Results following treatment with expanded mesenchymal stem cells did not differ significantly from what is generated by the fat graft and its stromal vascular fraction.
This study demonstrates that treatment with either fat and stromal
vascular fraction or expanded mesenchymal stem cells modifies the pattern
of the dermis, representing a skin rejuvenation effect. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg.
135: 00, 2015.)
Click here to read the full paper.
About Gino Rigotti, MD
Dr Rigotti graduated as " Cum Laude" in Medicine and Surgery at Modena in 1969. In that same year, he won the " Lepetit Prize" as the best Degree Thesis of that academic year.
Till June 2011, Dr Gino was Head of the Division of Plastic Surgery, Burn Unit and State Center for Breast Reconstruction of the Azienda Ospedaliera of Verona; Since 2013, Now he is the Head of Lipotech Department ( Fat Related Surgical and Clinical Technologies ), San Francesco Hospital in Verona, Italy.
In the past 15 years, he has been mostly dedicated to Breast Reconstructive Surgery using autologous and alloplastic materials, and he directed many international courses on Microsurgery, Head, Neck and Breast Reconstruction. Dr Gino published 120 articles and chapters in leading journals and books during his career and in high demand to be invited to speak and demonstrate his surgical achievements at global plastic surgrey meetings.
He is the Immediate Past President, International Society of Plastic Regenerative Surgery ( ISPRES) & Inventor, Rigottomies 2D and 3D Breast Augmentation/ Reconstruction Technique​
In 2015, he was the winner of prestigious Jacques W. Maliniac, MD 2015 Memorial Lecturer Award appointed by American Association of Plastic Surgeons.
Interested to observe 14 live surgery cases on the latest advancements in facial rejuvenation & breast reconstruction/augmentation with the technique inventor himself?
IFAAS Fellowship Program:
Fat Transfer for Breast Augmentation, Reshaping & Reconstruction
Sept 11-12, 2017
Verona, Italy
Register now to the Rigotti Fellowship Program ( Maximum 3 delegates )