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Every woman prefers to have that lean, elegant shoulder line, especially when wearing a strapless dress for huge events; e.g weddings. Unfortunately, a lot of women are suffering from overdeveloped trapezius muscles which make their neckline look more masculine than desired.

Trapezius muscles are muscles that supports the shoulders and arms, running vertically from the back of the neck down the spine, as well as extending horizontally across the shoulders. Trapezius muscles are heavily used as they assist in raising and rotating the shoulders. Under hypertrophy conditions, it often creates an effect of a much shorter neck and masculine shoulder line.

Did you know that lean and feminine shoulder lines can easily be achieved by a couple Botulinum Toxin injections? Today IFAAS Faculty, board certificated plastic surgeon Dr Moon Seop Choi shares his injection technique on treating the overdeveloped Trapezius muscles, also known as “Collarbone Injection” in South Korea.

Overdeveloped Trapezius muscles

Collarbone Botox Injection like every other facial botox procedures, paralyses the muscles of the injected area. This will eventually lower the trapezius muscles to create an effect of a feminine shoulder line and the appearance of a longer neck. The overdeveloped muscles will also subside, allowing the collarbone to resurface and appear more well-defined.

Methods: For botulinum toxin injection on trapezius muscles

Specifications for botox dosage:

Dosage: 10units per point

Target: Targeted marks in Trapezius muscles in picture

Injection points: 5 points as marked in the picture

Mixing: 5cc into 100 units (2U/0.1cc)

Needle: 30G, 1 1/2

Before & After

Check out the vast difference between the “before” and “after” comparison of a collarbone injection. The neckline appears to be longer and slimmer.

Potential Complications

  • Pain/Myalgia

  • Mild Tenderness

  • Ecchymosis

  • Less Scapular elevation strength

  • Scapular dyskinesis

  • Subacromial impingement syndrome

We hope you gained valuable insights on this technique. However, did you know that by injecting botulinum toxin on the following marking points on both the front and back shoulders, you can achieve an even more distinct and defined collarbone, with slender and feminine shoulder line and neckline.

To learn details of the optimal specifications on botulinum toxin technique/ dose used for those injection points and how to overcome potential complications by registering for

Region's 1st Hands-On Master Class on

Latest Korean Non-Surgical Face Lifting Techniques using Aesthetic Injectables, Devices and Thread Lifting

  • 2 Days Power Packed Training Program:​ Theory + Live Demonstration + Hands-on Training

  • 8 Live Demonstration Cases Showing Step-By-Step Procedure

  • 6 Hours Hands-On Training with Maximum Live Patients Practice Experience

  • Gain Proficiency to Perform and Launch New Procedures Right After the Training

  • Become Region's Pioneer on Korean Non-Surgical Face Lift Techniques with No/Minimum Competitions

Available Master Class Dates and Venues

  • July 29-30, 2017, Yangon, Myanmar Details (Selling Fast)

  • August 12-13, 2017, Los Angeles, United States Details (Last 1 Spot)

  • October 21-22, 2017, Sydney, Australia Details (Selling Fast)

  • Nov 4-5, 2017, Yerevan, Armenia Details (Newly Opened)

  • Nov 11-12, 2017, Hong Kong, China Details (Selling Fast)

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